More than 50 veterans fished rough inshore waters with 25 captains who volunteered their boats and time to show the vets how much the community appreciates their service.
Be on the lookout for tagged cobia in the northern Gulf of Mexico. CCA Alabama contributed $40,000 in 2019 and 2020 to purchase 12 GPS tags for the University of…
We write to ask for your support to broaden the ability to utilize the rigs-to-reef program, an issue of great importance to our organizations and the State of Louisiana.
Speckled trout are far too valuable to be caught and penned as bycatch. By taking proactive measures now to close the “stop net” loophole and clarify haul seine regulations, we…
We are grateful for your bipartisan commitment to marine fisheries conservation through the science-based forage fish measures included in the Forage Fish Conservation Act.