With your efforts, Congress can conserve coastal and estuary habitats across the United States and defend outdoor recreation opportunities and economies that rely on effective conservation and research.
In the most significant Gulf menhaden conservation outcome to date, Wildlife and Fisheries Commission approves half-mile coastwide buffer prohibiting pogy boats from netting, increases fish spill penalties
Recreational anglers are applauding progress by the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission (GSMFC) to improve the quality and timeliness of recreational fishery dependent data gathered by the Gulf states...
Healthy, resilient coastlines and estuaries are critically important for outdoor recreation, coastal and marine dependent fish and wildlife populations, local economies, and the people and businesses who live along or…
For second year in a row, legislators delay passage of bill that would support three-year study to determine the ecology, fishery impacts, and economic importance of the Atlantic menhaden population…
Last week, after months of public hearings, the ASMFC’s Atlantic Striped Bass Management Board (Board) met to finalize Addendum II which contains management changes for the 2024 striped bass season.
U.S. Representatives Garret Graves (Louisiana) and Marc Veasey (Texas) introduced legislation to preserve marine ecosystems and protect fishing access for anglers in the Gulf of Mexico by improving longstanding artificial…
As part of both its conservation mission and providing access to sustainable fisheries, the recreational fishing community has long advocated for, and contributed to, efforts to enhance fisheries populations through…
Oysters play a vital role in our ecosystems, our recreational fisheries and our communities. Alongside an entire team of marine biologists and a stellar film crew – CCA, Mossy Oak…
The fabled “Redfish Wars” of the late ‘70s and ‘80s helped define the future of Texas redfish populations and created what is now Coastal Conservation Association. Take a moment to…