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Building Conservation Trust – Project Highlight
High Hopes for Puget Sound Oyster Project

CCA Washington and Building Conservation Trust (BCT), CCA’s national marine habitat program, are part of a collaborative program helping to restore oysters in Puget Sound in order to improve fisheries and water quality. With their ability to filter toxins and sediments from the water, oysters play a vital role in the Puget Sound ecosystem and also provide excellent habitat for juvenile salmonids and bait fish.

A Texas Icon
Text and Photo by Pat Murray

When looking at the anatomy of redfish, its blunt nose and heavy scalesmake you think of a species best suited for jagged jetty rocks and baracke encrusted pier pilings. Indeed, those are viable habitats for redfish, but their ability to go ultra-skinny in the backs of marash ponds and on bonefish-worthy grass flats is what lands them on the covers of fishing magazines through the states.

Gallery Feature – Anastasia Musick
Creating artwork using a diverse set of non-digital mediasuch as oils, acrylics, watercolor, graphite and charcoal, Anastasia Musick was trained in each not by way of an art school, but by hands-on, technical training.

Fish in the Fast Lane
Text and Photos By Charlie Levine

After I hit 40, my vision went from bad to worse, but even I could see the large log floating on the horizon. We were 20-something miles offshore, the seas were calm and the skies were clear. Conditions could not have been any better, and then we spotted this large chunk of a tree bobbing in the long-period swells.

Backbone of the Bight
Text by Gundy Gunderson

In a scene that plays out just about every night off the coast of Southeren California in the summertime, crews man skiffs and purse seines to supply the live bait fishery on a scale that would surprise anglers in other regions of the country.

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TIDE is the award-winning bimonthly magazine of Coastal Conservation Association. It has received local, state and national acclaim for writing, photography, and layout and currently boasts a circulation of more than 100,000. TIDE is available only to members of CCA.

For information on photo and story submission or to submit letters and comments to the editor, contact Ted Venker – TIDE@JOINCCA.ORG or 713.626.4234.

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Shepard & Associates
1030 Smithwyck Drive, Canton, GA 30115

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